Tag Archives: coffee

Don’t Peek Inside My Car

photo by: cindybultema.blogspot.com

photo by: cindybultema.blogspot.com

Ok, be honest. You’ve peered into total strangers’ cars before…at least once…right? No? Are you afraid to admit it?

Well, I experienced this today. (Don’t judge me)

Here’s what happened.

I pulled up at Starbucks to get some uninterrupted work done. (yes, I’m one of those people)  As I am getting out of my car, a fairly large note on the console of the car next to me caught my eye. The interior was pretty dark so the 3×5 ‘white’ card kind of stood out. Anyway, I noticed hand writing on it. I didn’t want to appear like a total creeper, so here’s what I could make of the note in the 1.497 second glance I took.  It was a Bible verse, including the referance.  It might have been from Romans.  (No, I did not take this picture with my phone. Who do you think I am?)

Here are 3 things I learned from this moment:

1.  If you look close enough, you will find evidence of other believers around you every day.  This made me smile.

2.  Similar to this person, don’t be afraid to make your faith visible in public.  Who knows who you will encourage… even unintentionally.

3.  Refrain from trying to figure out whose car it is while you are sitting in Starbucks.  It will drive you crazy.

Important tip:  I do not advise looking into stangers cars.  However, if you do, be sure there isn’t anyone sitting in the back seat before you take second glances inside the vehicle.  #AwkwardMoment 

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Ultimate Stain Remover

As I woke up this morning, my oldest son was making coffee before heading out the door to work.  As he was preparing it, I noticed he didn’t have a towel down on the countertop.  (we have white counters)  I also noticed a fresh ring of espresso on the counter that had been on the bottom of the carafe.  Now, the oils in espresso stain deeply & quickly…thus followed my urgent plea to wipe it up.  “I’ll get it in a minute,” he answered.  What he didn’t understand was that it was going to be almost impossible to remove if he were to allow 60 seconds to go by.  It needed to be dealt with now!

You know….I’m intrigued at how God chooses to speak insights to me through things like coffee.  As I watched him wipe the coffee clean from the counter, Isaiah 1:18 came to mind…

“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the LORD.  “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.  Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.  

This is referring to snow that has freshly fallen…that has not been trampled upon yet.  And white wool…clear of imperfections or blemishes.  This is the heart of God for our lives.  For you!  His best plan for us involves constant cleansing/refreshing.  Along the road we will acquire blemishes and beatings….some from our own doing and others not so much.  But He cleanses and heals us for two reasons:

1) He loves us at a depth we cannot understand.

2) He wants to involve us in His greater work.

Here’s the point.  Unattended, our spilled coffee (sins) can begin to leave a noticeable mark.  Quick!  Ask Jesus to clean it up for you.  Its often difficult to take the step….but we must hand Him the sponge.

How have you seen God use your ‘whitened’ life for His purposes?  Please share.

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