Tag Archives: thankful

Don’t party with those who are absent

photo by:  dadsdish.blogspot.com

photo by: dadsdish.blogspot.com

I simply love donuts!  They kind of resemble the spare tire I’ve attained over the year.

One of my most favorite donuts is the six-count box of powdered rasberry-filled by Hostess…..well, at least until they went out of business.  When I was a kid I would take money I earned from mowing lawns and buy myself a box.  This occured maybe once every two weeks.  I could normally eat an entire box in one day, all on my own!

Sometimes, however, I’d leave one in the box for breakfast the next day.  (I know…leave me alone)  Now, I’ll be honest with you.  On those mornings I would wake up and be pretty excited remembering that I had saved one for breakfast.

But it was just one!

I mean, it’s in a box that holds six…..but I only have one.  Do you think I focused all my attention  crying over the five that were missing?  Absolutely not!  (ok, maybe just a little)  But I fully enjoyed that ONE…..down to the last crumb!

I had a party with the one I had, not the five that were absent.

I had these thoughts come to me today in church.  (hey, give me a break)  My wife and I had the opportunity to share with our church family that the Children’s Ministry team was needing to expand a bit…by about 50 individuals.  I’m so thankful for a church that values and supports Children.

I wish I could tell you that we got our 50 additional team members…but we didn’t.  We did, however, make connections with a handful of very willing individuals who are excited to learn more about this ministry opportunity.

(this is where the donut illustration comes in nicely)

You see, we could have allowed the massive void of workers to overshadow the good people who God brought to our team.  It’s like that one last donut.  I had a party with that donut.  And we’re going to celebrate (in a big way) with those few new workers…..NOT focusing on who is missing.

So, what’s your donut?

Leave me a comment or voicemail.


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Filed under Church, Leadership

Be thankful for life’s crap!

photo by: notesfromthecove.com

Seriously, when was the last dart in the back or broken down car that you actually said, “Wow, I’m so glad I had that experience?”  You’ve heard it said that one man’s trash is another’s treasure.  Its true!  Its all in our perspective.  As I was catching up on some blog reading of my own, one of my friend’s blogs really inspired me to do some reflecting of my own.  So here’s my very authentic list of thankful points for the year.  Can you relate to any of these?

I’m thankful…

…for spiritually dry periods of my life because they cause me to crave after Jesus more aggressively.

…when finances are sometimes a little tight.  These times teach me better stewardship of my blessings.

…that there are times when work gets heavy and I feel like I’m drowning.  Sometimes this is what it takes to force me to take a better look at how I’m budgeting my time and planning my week.

…for all the incredibly unhealthy churches I’ve served in with my wife over the past 20+ years.  Until recently, I have not been able to see that everything wasn’t terrible, and that our current church is truly one of a kind…and to continually thank God for this gift!

…that despite all the crap my four kids have endured as PKs (referring to previous point), none of them are hooked on drugs, pregnant, partying on the weekends, or doing time in jail.  Not because of stellar parenting, but an abundance of God’s grace and a loving and praying church family.

…for a merciful, loving, and gifted wife who was handed to me from Heaven!  In spite of my multitude of shortcomings and failures as the spiritual head of our home, she has always stood by me and encouraged the best in me.  She really is my best friend and life partner.

Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.  For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer.  1 Timothy 4:4-5 (NLT)

How about your list?  Are there things you would mention today that you might not have before?


Filed under Faith, Life, Relationships